Sunday, August 15, 2010

Naked Raggedy Annies!

Three little naked and bald Annies ~ soon to be three Italia sisters!

I thought they looked so cute naked ~ they are sitting in a basket on their (need for me to sew yet!) Italian costumes ~ they will also get hangtags with their Italian surnames.

Tonight I work my last day at Musikfest ~ exhausting but loads of fun. Musikfest is a 10 day festival of free music held in the city of Bethlehem, Pa. Pops and I also had a wonderful time watching our grandson, Dominic, yesterday and he actually let Grammy sleep through the night ~ yeah Dominic!

Finished two Annies ~ they will go up on Ebay this week.


  1. Ciao,
    I'm curious to see your italian Annie.
    Your Annies have very expressive eyes.

  2. Da Roma, un piccolo bacio sul musetto di queste dolcissime e belle Annie ( anche nude)
    Un saluto,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am in love with your dolls ...
    They are really beautiful and have beautiful eyes ...
    Sorry, but I can do some advertising on my next post?
    I would put a picture of your dolls, and your name and the name of your blog.
    Could you please?
    My lucky.

  5. Oh my, of course you can use any picture from my blog. They are free to use. Thank you all. Enjoy and God bless.

  6. Just darling little naked babies. So sweet to see them with their little hearts. Will be wonderful after you get them dressed for sure. Your Annies are always a joy to see created in new themes, Holidays and special occasions!! Love them all! M

  7. У Вас невероятно красивые куклы!!!

  8. Amazing toy showcase, love all the doll and. This is what i call a best of the best dolls.

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